ALPHABETICAL SEARCH BY CATEGORYThe links are sorted alphabetically
Geographic Information System | Business Intelligence integrated with Geographic Information System has given birth to a new kind of analytics: geoanalytics. | 51 Clicks |
Google Drive | ProMatrix Inc. You must be connected to the Internet at some point to load and cache the application and content, but once loaded and cached, you can restart your computer, and travel to the other side of the world while using the application, without interruption. Applications have endless potential, once they become offline enabled. Not needing an Internet connection opens up all types of possibilities. Not only will you be able to view content and media, but your application will launch quicker. You will continually save on bandwidth, since you already have all the content you need. Listed on the right side are typical applications that are great when they are offline enabled. | 82 Clicks |
Google proxy | Proxies that support searching on Google are called Google proxy. Some programs need them to make large number of queries on Google. | 53 Clicks |
Graphics tree | MetaTree is a control to show hierarchical information as a graphs tree. A user can select the desired node using mouse. It looks like a flat projection of a tree on an elliptical parabolic surface. The component distribution includes a sample application MTDemo.exe both as a compiled executable and with sources. | 51 Clicks |
Grid transposition | Grid transposition is now instant – it does not require data recalculation (required in FastCube1) | 52 Clicks |
Group-and-sum reconciliation | Group-and-sum reconciliation Used for one-to-many or many-to-many matching. where Isolist finds multiple rows with the same matching criteria, their values are summed together before being compared with the row sum on the other side. | 50 Clicks |
Grouping links | Grouping links into popup menus The huge advantage of True Launch Bar is popup menus. You can create menus on in the True Launch bar panel and place your shortcuts there. This will save space on your taskbar and give you another dimension in using the taskbar. True Launch Bar is Quick Launch on steroids!!! | 54 Clicks |
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