
Refog products are made by Refog Inc. Founded in 2002, the company provides employee monitoring and parental control solutions for customers worldwide. For the past six years, our products were installed on more than 48 million computers in 201 countries around the world. Our business customers range from small companies to large enterprises in financial and industrial sectors.
The company's flagship desktop product Refog Employee Monitor has become the acknowledged solution for financial sector corporations for its unsurpassed logging capabilities and maturity.
Our mission is to create reliable and feature rich solutions for employee monitoring which would help our customers to secure their commercial secrets and intellectual property without oppressing employees; enforce policies by monitoring, not filtering and prohibiting.
Running unobtrusively and undetectable in the background of your PC, Refog Keylogger will store everything your kids, copy and paste on the computer, capture periodic snapshots of the computer’s screen, log chats and social networking conversations and keep track of all Web resources and applications used on that PC.Concerned About Your Children Safety?
If your kids spend time chatting or playing computer games, they can be approached or threatened by the strangers. Internet has anonymity, and anonymity means impunity in the minds of molesters. The solution? Violate their anonymity by monitoring your kids' activities!
REFOG Keylogger is designed to deal with extended families, but it fits small families just as easy. Allowing you to monitor your children activities remotely over the Internet, REFOG Keylogger does not even require your close presence in order to be alerted about suspicious activities of either your children or someone they chat with.
Easy To Install and To Use
REFOG Keylogger can be set up and used by anyone. The monitor does not involve a steep learning curve and does not demand a degree in Computer Science to configure and operate. Simply download your free trial version and get yourself going!
Save Screens and Key Presses
REFOG Keylogger keeps a list of all activities you specify it to log. It records all visited Web sites, keeps logs of chats and instant messenger conversations as well as other things typed or received by your kids in chats, messengers, blogs, forums and other online and offline applications.
REFOG Keylogger saves each key pressed and every phrase typed, and makes periodic captures of the computer screen to better illustrate what was going on at that moment.
Capture Chats and Instant Messengers
REFOG Keylogger captures every key that they press, but does not stop there. Individual keystrokes are of little use when analyzing your kids' behavior. REFOG Keylogger can detect popular chats and instant messengers, and forms clearly legible and readable logs containing chats and instant messenger conversations formatted in a manner that is convenient to read.
Stealth Operation
For even better protection, REFOG Keylogger can be completely hidden from your kids' eyes. It runs silently and unobtrusively on their PC while taking screen shots and recording every key that they press, logging applications that they use and Web sites that they visit.
Keystroke recording
Once installed and running, Refog registers all keys pressed by a user, thus acting as a keylogger. This function captures all data that has been entered by your children or an employee using a keyboard, including chats, usernames, passwords, emails, search queries and other content. In addition to key logging, Refog is also able to log clipboard text.
Web history logging
Even if users delete their browser's history, the informaton is retained in Refog's log database and always available via the reports function. All relevant information is collected including URLs visited, page titles and the timestamp.
Screenshot history
With customizable capability, Refog takes full color screenshots of a desktop screen. This ensures that the log of what is being typed by the user is backed up with visual evidence of exactly what they are doing. Without being monitored, it is often the case that employees get carried away with excessive web surfing, shopping and other personal tasks. With screenshot history, it is always possible to gather evidence if an employee is wasting the company's time. Multiple monitor configurations are supported!
Invisible mode and password protection
You may not want to disclose the act of PC monitoring, so Refog can work in special stealth mode, making it completely invisible even to a skilled PC user. It cannot be found in the program folder, control panel or tray. When required, the program can be revealed using a special command or hotkey. In addition, it is possible to protect Refog with a password, so users are unable to erase their logs.
Application monitoring and file tracking
Refog is able to record all programs executed on your PC, so it is possible to establish if your kid is playing games instead of doing his homework, an employee is wasting time offline (e.g. playing solitaire instead of working). In addition to programs, Refog stores all file operations (e.g. open, edit, copy, delete), and can reveal inappropriate interest in specific confidential documents.
IM monitoring
Refog is also compatible with all major instant messaging software (e.g. AIM, Facebook®,Yahoo! messenger, Skype, ICQ, Google Talk, MSN). It is not only able to log outgoing messages by a local user, but also incoming messages too.
Personal Monitor
Keystrokes Recording Software
The complete PC monitoring solution. Look after your valued ones with Refog Personal Monitor. This little tool packs the complete monitoring solution into a tiny, easy to use shell. Refog monitoring software logs and monitors all activities on the computer where it is installed. Safeguard kids and improve employee performance with a single product!
What Are Your Kids Doing When You Are Away?
Do your kids use your computers? Kids love gaming and chatting! But how much is too much, and how do you know what exactly they do while they are online? REFOG Personal Monitor helps you protect your kids by looking after them in the most unobtrusive way.
REFOG Personal Monitor helps by logging everything that’s happening on your PC while your kids are online. It records everything they type, logs sent and received chat messages, and creates a history of Web sites and resources they are visiting. The tool takes notes on each program that’s launched, and records for how long they are used. Skype conversations and voice calls can be recorded to ensure no one molests your children. Custom stop-phrase list alerts you immediately in case a suspected threat is detected.
Protect But Don’t Disturb
Designed to run silently in background, REFOG Personal Monitor does not intervene with your kids’ online activities, but alerts you immediately if a possible threat is detected. How does it know when your kids are threatened? You tell it! Set up a list of stop words, and REFOG Personal Monitor will alert you in an instant if any such word or phrase is encountered while your kids are socializing.
Family Friendly Operation
REFOG Personal Monitor is designed to be family friendly. You can install and configure the tool without hiring a tech guy. Using REFOG Personal Monitor is not rocket science either. Still not convinced? Just download your free evaluation version and see with your own eyes!
What’s Recorded
The list of things that are captured, logged and recorded is so long it almost makes no sense. Here are just a few things of the long, long list.
- All keystrokes typed in all windows, including passwords
- Sent and received chat messages
- Visited Web sites
- Logon and logoff events
- Skype chats and voice conversations
- Launched programs and games
- Screen captures of what’s on the display
- And much, much more!
Remote Monitoring
Installed REFOG Personal Monitor onto your kids computer? There’s no need to use that PC to view the logs! REFOG Personal Monitor offers convenient network access to everything collected by the tool, allowing you to look after your kids from anywhere.
Real-Time Alerts
Sometimes a little late is too late. Reading the logs at the end of day may not be reacting fast enough to adequately protect your children. This won’t happen if you set up REFOG Personal Monitor with automatic alerts. This works real simple: you enter stop words and phrases into a special alert list, and REFOG Personal Monitor alerts you automatically every time a stop-phrase is encountered. Alerts can be sent by email or delivered by other methods.
Screen Shots
With all the activities going on your PC, it’s easy to get lost if all you have is a text log. REFOG Personal Monitor helps you navigate through what it’s all about by capturing periodic screen shots of your computer’s desktop. These screen shots will clearly show everything that was there at the time of a capture.
Capture Chats and Social Network Conversations
Conversations occurring in many stand-alone instant messengers as well as communication systems built into social networks can be captured, formatted and presented in plain, easily readable shape.
Keystroke recording
Once installed and running, Refog registers all keys pressed by a user, thus acting as a keylogger. This function captures all data that has been entered by your children or an employee using a keyboard, including chats, usernames, passwords, emails, search queries and other content. In addition to key logging, Refog is also able to log clipboard text.
Web history logging
Even if users delete their browser's history, the informaton is retained in Refog's log database and always available via the reports function. All relevant information is collected including URLs visited, page titles and the timestamp.
Screenshot history
With customizable capability, Refog takes full color screenshots of a desktop screen. This ensures that the log of what is being typed by the user is backed up with visual evidence of exactly what they are doing. Without being monitored, it is often the case that employees get carried away with excessive web surfing, shopping and other personal tasks. With screenshot history, it is always possible to gather evidence if an employee is wasting the company's time. Multiple monitor configurations are supported!
Invisible mode and password protection
You may not want to disclose the act of PC monitoring, so Refog can work in special stealth mode, making it completely invisible even to a skilled PC user. It cannot be found in the program folder, control panel or tray. When required, the program can be revealed using a special command or hotkey. In addition, it is possible to protect Refog with a password, so users are unable to erase their logs.
Application monitoring and file tracking
Refog is able to record all programs executed on your PC, so it is possible to establish if your kid is playing games instead of doing his homework, an employee is wasting time offline (e.g. playing solitaire instead of working). In addition to programs, Refog stores all file operations (e.g. open, edit, copy, delete), and can reveal inappropriate interest in specific confidential documents.
IM monitoring
Refog is also compatible with all major instant messaging software (e.g. AIM, Facebook®,Yahoo! messenger, Skype, ICQ, Google Talk, MSN). It is not only able to log outgoing messages by a local user, but also incoming messages too.
Email reports
It is not necessary to gain physical access to monitored computers in order to view their logs. All reports can be delivered via email, and can be read anywhere.
Comprehensive settings and reports
It is possible to set the control levels of monitoring, enable/disable monitoring for given users, setup alert keywords and reports delivery, easily filter log files and much more. With this armory of tools, Refog comes preconfigured so it can be installed in just a few clicks and run with default settings, requiring no tech skills at all!
Employee Monitor
Can Employee Monitoring Benefit Your Company?
Do all your employees use their computer resources and Internet connection solely for your business? Do they work as hard when you are away as they do when you are watching over their shoulders? In other words, do you suspect your employee's productivity is lacking? You should consider installing a surveillance system to address the problem.
Look no further! Refog Employee Monitor records and monitors your employee's activities and provides you on-site and remote access to employee's logs and computer screens in real time. The software-only solution can be installed in a matter of minutes, and does not require any hardware other than an ordinary PC. No special surveillance skills or security training are needed to successfully configure and operate Refog Employee Monitor.
Improve Employee Productivity
Statistics show that surveillance disciplines employees and improves their productivity. Employees tend to perform better when they are being monitored - or even when they think they may be monitored. Refog Employee Monitor successfully accomplishes this goal by constantly monitoring your employee's working environment - their computers.
Real-Time Remote Monitoring
Employees perform better under constant control with real-time feedback from their supervisor. Simply logging keystrokes and saving screen captures for future analysis is not enough. A certain level of interaction and feedback is vital for tightening discipline and improving performance.
Letting your employees know that managers and supervisors can see what is happening on their computers in real time even from remote locations provides the necessary feeling and improves discipline and productivity.
Refog Employee Monitoring Software allows managers and supervisors to monitor multiple employees remotely in real time. There is no need to leave a comfortable Executive chair in order to check each employee's PC for unauthorized activities. Capture the action and see what your employees are doing while they are still doing it, and provide immediate feedback on their activities!
Save Screens and Keystrokes
While real-time monitoring is essential to improve employee productivity, it does not completely solve the problem of employee loyalty. Hard evidence such as lists of visited Web sites, chat logs and other things typed by employees are critical in decreasing the possibilities of security breaches and identifying disloyal employees.
Invisible mode
Refog Employee Monitor is completely invisible to your employees. It runs silently and unobtrusively while logging everything that happens on your employee's computers. The product captures all keystrokes, makes periodic screen captures of employee's desktops, logs programs that are opened or closed, and records all Web sites that they visit. You can access these logs on-site or remotely; there's no need to leave your chair to check out employee behavior.
Email and FTP reports
You can easily configure Employee Computer Monitoring Software to alert you about certain events via e-mail or by uploading to an FTP server. Smart templates allow capturing only those keystrokes that contain one of the pre-defined trigger phrases, making it easy to configure for maximum security or minimal intrusion.
Employee Monitoring Software is a powerful tool to address lack of employee productivity while protecting your company against security breaches and disloyal employees. Download the free evaluation version, install it on all your PCs, make your employees aware of it and see how quickly your bottom line is improved!
Keystroke recording
Once installed and running, Refog registers all keys pressed by a user, thus acting as a keylogger. This function captures all data that has been entered by an employee using a keyboard, including chats, usernames, passwords, emails, search queries and other content. In addition to key logging, Refog is also able to log clipboard text.
Remote monitoring
It is never necessary to install Employee Monitor manually, as the remote installation feature enables setup of Refog on all network PCs in just a few mouse clicks. All that is required is the admin user password for the domain or computers. All reports are available over the network, and when necessary these can be accessed in real-time.
Web history logging
Even if users delete their browser's history, the informaton is retained in Refog's log database and always available via the reports function. All relevant information is collected including URLs visited, page titles and the timestamp.
Screenshot history
With customizable capability, Refog takes full color screenshots of a desktop screen. This ensures that the log of what is being typed by the user is backed up with visual evidence of exactly what they are doing. Without being monitored, it is often the case that employees get carried away with excessive web surfing, shopping and other personal tasks. With screenshot history, it is always possible to gather evidence if an employee is wasting the company's time. Multiple monitor configurations are supported!
Invisible mode and password protection
You may not want to disclose the act of PC monitoring, so Refog can work in special stealth mode, making it completely invisible even to a skilled PC user. It cannot be found in the program folder, control panel or tray. When required, the program can be revealed using a special command or hotkey. In addition, it is possible to protect Refog with a password, so users are unable to erase their logs.
Application monitoring and file tracking
Refog is able to record all programs executed on your PC, so it is possible to establish if an employee is wasting time offline (e.g. playing solitaire instead of working). In addition to programs, Refog stores all file operations (e.g. open, edit, copy, delete), and can reveal inappropriate interest in specific confidential documents.
IM monitoring
Refog is also compatible with all major instant messaging software (e.g. AIM, Facebook®, Yahoo! messenger, Skype, ICQ, Google Talk, MSN). It is not only able to log outgoing messages by a local user, but also incoming messages too.
Email reports
It is not necessary to gain physical access to monitored computers in order to view their logs. All reports can be delivered via email, and can be read anywhere.
Comprehensive settings and reports
It is possible to set the control levels of monitoring, enable/disable monitoring for given users, setup alert keywords and reports delivery, easily filter log files and much more. With this armory of tools, Refog comes preconfigured so it can be installed in just a few clicks and run with default settings, requiring no tech skills at all!
This article describes a computer activity monitoring approach as means to improve employee productivity in corporate environments, investigate fraud and collect evidence in a non-disruptive way.
The widespread availability of new technologies has changed a modern workplace dramatically. The way we do work and the way we manage employees has changed with the use of new and improved information and communication tools.
While offering the obvious productivity and cost benefits, information technologies bear a number of associated risks and concerns. Social networking and casual games lead to decreased employee productivity on Internet-connected workplaces, while companies dealing with trade secrets, intellectual property and sensitive information face increased employer risks related to employee misconduct.
Those same technologies, on the other hand, provide employers with more efficient and lower cost tools to manage the risks and address misconduct. Surveillance, monitoring and proactive data leak protection (DLP) systems are quickly gaining popularity.
The availability of effective, inexpensive monitoring tools in a situation of increased risks and constant socializing resulted in increased use of surveillance and monitoring on computer-equipped workplaces.
This paper looks at ways in which the use of software-based employee monitoring systems affects employee productivity, the enforcement of corporate policies, prevention and investigation of employee misconduct and security breaches.
Computer Surveillance and Monitoring Software
This paper is based on statistics collected by the use of two PC monitoring tools: Refog Employee Monitor and Refog Terminal Monitor. The tools are common representatives of their species, offering employers the ability to watch all or select employee activities such as communications with the outside world, launching applications or accessing files.
Non-Disruptive Monitoring
A major difference between passive monitoring solutions and proactive data leak protection (DLP) systems is the way they handle potential threats. Heuristic analysis and proactive filtering may seem to create a technological barrier to prevent data leaks, stop employee misconduct and combat fraud.
In practice, proactive solutions are likely to introduce more disruption in the work process, intimidate employees and do little to actually prevent fraud.
Passive monitoring, on the other hand, helps collect information about employee activities without stopping or preventing them. Collected information helps employers give quick feedback or investigate security incidents with hard data.
The Use of Proactive DLP Systems vs. Passive Monitoring
Refog Computer Surveillance Software only uses passive monitoring in its computer surveillance products, the most ‘proactive’ action being an instant alert sent to a designated security officer in a case of potential breach of security.
Here in the company, we’re convinced that this approach works smoother and more effectively while providing considerate cost benefit compared to heuristic-based DLP systems (up to 80% savings based on recent market research).
Single-Point Employee Monitoring
Refog products are designed to be used on Windows desktops and networkd (Refog Employee Monitor), while Refog Terminal Monitor is designed to monitor terminal server clients.
All user activities are centrally available via convenient administrative interface. Flexible filters and search functionality are available. All collected information is stored locally securely encrypted.
Surveillance Helps Enforcing Corporate Policies
Surveillance helps enforcing corporate policies by its very existence. The many logs and monitors implemented in Refog Employee Monitor and Refog Terminal Monitor help administrators and corporate officers to ensure employee compliance with corporate policies.
By monitoring how employees handle information and controlling their communications such as chats and social networking, administrators are able to keep track of employee activities, provide instant feedback and prevent potential misconduct before it’s getting out of control.
PC Monitoring Improves Employee Productivity
Employees perform better under when being watched. Instant, real-time feedback from their supervisor helps stop the time waste caused by casual games (“office killers”), uncontrollable chatting and socializing. Knowing exactly what, when, and for how long employees do goes miles in improving employee productivity.
Knowing they’re under control, employees spend less time chatting while concentrating their efforts on doing their paid work. Tracking Employee Activities Helps Prevent Misconduct Simply logging keystrokes and saving screen captures for future analysis is not enough. A certain level of interaction and feedback is vital for tightening discipline and improving performance.
Letting your employees know that managers and supervisors can see what is happening on their computers in real time even from remote locations provides the necessary feeling and improves discipline and productivity.
Refog Surveillance Software allows managers and supervisors to monitor multiple employees remotely in real time. There is no need to leave a comfortable Executive chair in order to check each employee's PC for unauthorized activities.
Capture the action and see what your employees are doing while they are still doing it, and provide immediate feedback on their activities!
Technical Specifications
Both products, Refog Employee Monitor and Refog Terminal Monitor, can capture a wide range of activities occurring on employees’ PCs.
Keystroke logging
URL monitoring
Application monitoring
Screenshot captures
Invisible mode
IM & Facebook chat interception
Email and FTP delivery
File tracking
Alarm keywords
Real-time network logs
Why You should Implement the Use of Computer Surveillance Software
Refog Employee Monitor intercepts and logs more types of events and activities than any competing tool in its class. The tool can monitor key presses, log chats and conversations, record Skype voice calls, take note of visited Web pages, identify logon/logoff events, track application usage by recording start/stop time of any game or program and illustrate all that with periodic screen captures. Below is a brief list of activities tracked by Refog Employee Monitor:
- Everything they type including Web forms
- Chats and instant messenger conversations in any language
- Communications in social networks
- Emails and webmails
- Opened Web pages
- Launched games and programs
- Logon and logoff events
- Voice calls carried in Skype
- Snapshot images of computer screens
- And much more
Advanced Cloaking Technologies
Refog Employee Monitor is designed to run silently and unobtrusively straight out of the box. Thanks to advanced cloaking techniques, our logging solution is highly discreet, and does not reveal its presence to the user. Our highly advanced cloaking technology ensures that Refog Employee Monitor does not appear in the list of processes in the Task Manager, displays no icon in the notification area, and does not appear anywhere else where it could be spotted. You can invoke Refog Employee Monitor by pressing a pre-defined combination of keys, but changing settings, disabling or uninstalling the product will require the use of a master password – the password that only you set and know.
Remote Access
You can easily access all recorded activity from a remote computer. The remote access functionality allows you to stay tuned about what’s happening on your computer.
Real-Time Alerts
Real-time alerts are delivered straight to your inbox if event from a pre-defined list happens. You can specify which events Refog Employee Monitor should report about, and maintain a personalized list of stop-words. An instant email alert will be sent if a word from the stop list is encountered. False alerts are nearly eliminated by the use of advanced pre-defined templates.
Refog Employee Monitor illustrates activities with periodic screen captures. These screen shots make understanding what’s happening much easier than plain text logs.
Monitor Chat and Conversations
Refog Employee Monitor can distinguish between a Web form and a chat or instant messenger application. Conversations occurring in all popular chat programs are delivered before your eyes in conveniently formatted and nicely laid out form, making it easier to review long chat logs.
Skype Calls
Refog Employee Monitor is one of the few solutions that can actually record voice calls occurring in Skype and similar VoIP programs. You can play back conversations recorded by Refog Employee Monitor with any media player.
Wasting Time at Work: Improving Employee Effectiveness
How many hours do your employees waste every day? Chatting with friends, reading news, browsing the Web and entertaining themselves with ‘office killer’ games, employees in a typical office waste as much as 35% of their working hours, according to a Microsoft survey performed in 2005 [1]. Microsoft surveyed employees of large corporations, and discovered unclear objectives, lack of team communication and ineffective meetings to be the top time wasters. But is it also true for small and medium-size businesses?
Owners of small and medium-size businesses find themselves in a different seat. Running small businesses leaves no room for unclear objectives. Small teams eliminate miscommunications, and corporate meetings are better left to those monster corporations. Does this mean that small business employees are more effective than those employed by large corporations? Not necessarily.
Small business owners often find their employees wasting time chatting, playing casual computer games, reading news or browsing the Internet pointlessly. While browsing the Web and communicating with customers over instant messengers might be a legitimate part of employees' everyday activities, it is hard to distinguish between what's being done for work and what's for fun.
Fortunately, small business owners are not left without tools that help them reduce or prevent unauthorized employee activities.
Refog Employee Monitor makes it easy to intercept and record employee activities that lead to the most time wasted. The employee monitoring tool intercepts keystrokes, tracks all Web sites visited by employees, logs chats and conversations in common instant messengers, keeps track of applications they run and files they use, and takes periodic captures of their computer screens.
Refog Employee Monitor is easy to learn and to use, and does not require business owners to become security officers. The available intelligent filters make it simple to glance through employees' essential activities while skipping assigned tasks. The intelligent chat module recognizes common instant messengers such as AIM, Yahoo, ICQ, and MSN Messenger, and produces chat logs in a legible, human-readable format. Instant alerts notify business owners if any of the pre-defined events occurs, such as if an employee types certain key phrases or runs certain applications.
With Refog Employee Monitor, it's up to the business owners whether or not to advertise the computer surveillance system to employees. The available invisible mode makes Refog Employee Monitor completely hidden from employees, while password-protection makes it impossible to circumvent, disable or uninstall. All in all, Refog Employee Monitor is an extremely cost-effective, result-oriented computer surveillance system that does not require any wiring or extra hardware.
[1] Microsoft Corp. “Survey Finds Workers Average Only Three Productive Days per Week”
Summary: How many hours do your employees waste every day? Learn how to improve employee performance and reduce the time waste with employee monitoring software.

REFOG Keylogger

REFOG Keylogger – 1 License
REFOG Keylogger – 3 Licenses
REFOG Personal Monitor

REFOG Personal Monitor – For Windows
REFOG Personal Monitor – 3 Licenses
REFOG Employee Monitor

REFOG Employee Monitor – 3 Licenses
REFOG Employee Monitor – 6 Licenses
REFOG Employee Monitor – 12 Licenses
REFOG Employee Monitor – 25 Licenses
REFOG Employee Monitor – 50 Licenses
REFOG Employee Monitor – 100 Licenses